
on Thursday, September 1, 2005

Recent Picture of SSG ---- ------ in Afganistan
I know that September 11th is coming up and that I won't be home to publish anything. I just want to remind everyone out there that American Men and Women are still fighting in foreign lands as a result to what happend 4 years ago. Pray for their safety and a final resolve for these conflicts however long it may take. Our nation is at war - it is a pity and a blessing that it doesn't affect us like it did back in the days of WW2 when we had rationing and people could blame it on the war. For "our" war, the majority of Americans FORGET we are at war. But the families and friends of soldiers remember that everyday there is a struggle for us, and that soldiers are still making the ultimate sacrifice for the propoagation of FREEDOM. I stand behind our president, our country and our troops.
9-11Pictures http://www.fallenheroesmemorial.com/